Mirror Talk: Proportion

Psalms 90:15 Give us gladness in proportion to our former misery

You must start believing that you deserve the gladness that God is placing in your path. The joy that you receive is in proportion to the release of the need to blame others for the misery that occurred in your life. The more you believe that you are responsible for your life, the more you make room for the good to exist in your life. Not willing to take responsibility for your life only means that you choose to hold on to your perceived limitations. When you ask God to provide some joy in your life, you must face the root of your former misery–the belief that you aren’t deserving of the good that is ready to be sent your way.

Give up living in a state of mind that is comfortable with misery. Make room for the internal work of building the belief system that you add value because you exist. People that have entered your life and overlooked your worth is not the same as God overlooking your worth. His unconditional energy will flow through you in equal measure that you release the conditional, negative energy that you have carried for far too long. Start believing you deserve it in order to manifest it.

Start believing God when He tells you how He views you as valuable. Do not go by the memories of the tangible (people, places or things) and current circumstances that support the old belief system of which you grew accustomed. Realize the habit you have of keeping certain people and patterns in your life that help you remain in a spinning circle of excuses. Once you begin to release those negative patterns, they will be replaced with an endless supply of growth and joy. The more you believe that you don’t deserve a prosperous life, the more God is ready to show you that He believes you do, since the moment He created you. The proportion of love and goodness is equal to these blocks which must be removed. Release so that you may increase-in Him.

#MirrorTalk #Proportion

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