Inspirational Blogs

Note to Self James 1 22

Note to Self ...

When God speaks to our soul, when the Holy Spirit places a word in our heart that is to be spoken out loud, the purpose is to begin the wind of action that forms the path of change.


The Struggling ...

For the past couple years, I have been in a mental state of which all writers endure from time to time- writer’s block. It is a struggle that I envisioned to be, and that was usually, just a temporary…

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Today, I Cry

Things stir within me, things that I do not want to acknowledge and try to suppress. Those things are emotions. I am the mother of a special needs daughter and everyday for the past…


Mirror Talk: Isolation

Always push through the mindset to isolate. On a day that you do, the people God plops in front of you on the other side make you want to keep showing up for your life. I am a social butterfly that…


Mirror Talk: Belief Systems

God’s promise to give you gladness in proportion to your past misery is a constant energy. The promise was stated, is stated and will be stated repeatedly. The ability to see …


Mirror Talk: Proportion

You must start believing that you deserve the gladness that God is placing in your path. The joy that you receive is in proportion to the release of the need to blame others for the misery that …

Mirror Talk: Brain ...

Start observing your thoughts.  In order for awareness to occur, in order to see the darkness that is guiding your actions, there must be light.  Like the light that separates the dark … 

Mirror Talk: Setbacks

Mirror Talk: New Patterns

Mirror Talk: Epiphany

I was talking with a good friend today and saw someone in a healthy chapter of her life. A chapter that I hope to reach soon. I realized how much of my anxiety comes from the false sense that I am …

Dear You

Dear you,
This has gone on long enough. The way that your brain is wired is not lined up with Me. I am trying to push past all these webs, like an attic that is …

Mirror Talk: Be Still

It is unthinkable to you, the advice to just be still and know that soon the next instruction will come to you. There is an unseen battle going on and you are in the middle. The battle are arrows …


Mirror Talk: Delay

There is no progress without faith.  Without faith, you will remain attached to what you know. You do not trust that you can have anything different. As you wait in the delay, the darkness of the …

Mirror Talk: Darkness of the Unknown

Sometimes you must give in to the darkness of the unknown, the darkness of waiting in order for a light to be brought to you instead of the light that you ache for and chase. Some spiritual…

Mirror Talk: Manifest

I saw this sentence in a bible plan I am reading and decided to share why I write my “Mirror Talk” blog.  Most of the time when I stand in front of a mirror, glance at my car visor or see my reflection in …

Mirror Talk: Mindfull vs Mindful

You are so busy accepting the chatter in your brain as part of your life. You don’t realize it is filling up your mind with what isn’t done, what was not done “enough”, what was done “too much” and what …

Mirror Talk: Awakening

There is a change occurring that has you reflecting with a mindset of seeing the lessons. You are walking towards only balanced people and stable situations while releasing the negative ones …

Mirror Talk: Honor Yourself

There they went again, taking you with them into a rabbit hole mentality of “what did I do wrong”. Here you go again, shoulders down and face in your hands in another moment of despair …

Mirror Talk: Happiness

So, you decided to give it another try, doing a 360-degree circle once again. The insanity of trying the same thing over and over again while expecting different results left you empty …

The Ink to My Pen

Below is an article written by my seventeen-year-old son, Stefan. Part of my goal to educate and promote inclusion also includes acknowledging all the loved ones of a special needs …

Tests to Testimonies

As some of you may already know from my previous articles, I am the mother of a pediatric stroke survivor. Due to brain trauma from the stroke, my daughter has special needs. The day she was …

Bounce Back

It’s the experiences in life that truly identifies what is beneath the surface. Some of these experiences have made me stronger. Just when I think I am not capable of handling the next …


The bridge is for you.  It is ready to be crossed. The time has come to no longer stay on the side that is only a cliff.  It worked for you for a long time and it can be very hard to say goodbye…

In Your Shoes

I will never forget when my husband told me “Grief is not linear”.  It was one of those “a-ha!” moments, an epiphany and a God shot.  Whatever one calls it, I call it all three.  There is no better sentence…

Empty Vases

Now that you’ve cleaned up your lives by following the truth, love one another as if your lives depended on it. Your new life is not like your old life. Your old birth came from mortal sperm; your new …

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